Our Library

Annual Reporting

Cal Wellness’ Annual Report provides an update on Cal Wellness’ activities for the year, financial statements and a list of the year’s grants. More…

Wellness Stories

Wellness Stories represents the next chapter of the Foundation’s storytelling tradition – highlighting the impact of our grants, which are focused on advancing wellness for all. More…

Grantee Magazine

Our magazine highlights the work of our community partners and their efforts to improve the health and wellness of Californians. More…


Reflections is a series produced by Cal Wellness to share lessons learned and information gleaned from its grantmaking practices and strategies. More…

Evaluations and Lessons Learned

Evaluations and lessons learned from our grantmaking is a web-based series produced by Cal Wellness that allows our staff, community partners and contractors to share lessons learned and information gleaned from our grantmaking programs and strategies. More…

Grants Program Survey

This section includes the results of confidential surveys that are conducted every few years of Cal Wellness’ grantees and those declined funding. More…

Portfolio Newsletter

Cal Wellness’ newsletter that was published between 1992 and January 2009. More…