Assessing a Foundation’s Contribution to Public-Policy Change: A New Framework
Cal Wellness retained MastersPolicyConsulting to retrospectively assess how the Foundation and its grantees contributed to public policy changes related to its grantmaking over a 10-year period.
“Assessing a Foundation’s Contribution to Public Policy Change: A New Framework” — published in
The Foundation Review in March 2016 — describes the framework that was created to determine the degree to which Cal Wellness and its grantees contributed to policy changes, which may be useful to other funders engaged in public policy work.
Evaluations and Lessons Learned from our Grantmaking
Evaluations and Lessons Learned from our Grantmaking is a web-based series produced by Cal Wellness to share lessons learned and information gleaned from our grantmaking programs and strategies.
Archive of Evaluations and Lessons Learned from our Grantmaking
Grants Program Survey
This section includes the results of confidential surveys that are conducted every few years of Cal Wellness’ grantees and those declined funding.
Archive of Grants Program Surveys
Links to evaluation-themed editions of Reflections, a series produced by TCWF to share lessons learned and information gleaned from its grantmaking practices and strategies
A recent edition of Reflections is the executive summary of an evaluation we commissioned from Harder+Company titled
“Grantmaking That Lasts: Key Findings of The California Wellness Foundation's Responsive Grantmaking Program.”