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Message Of Gun Violence Prevention Summit: We Can Do This!

(Feb. 16, 2016)—Thank you to everyone who joined us for #Enough! Stop Violence, Promote Wellness. This groundbreaking summit tackled an issue that is critically important to the health of our communities: gun violence. In contrast to the tragedy and loss that is connected to gun violence, it was heartening to witness so many passionate voices for change.

For more than two decades, Cal Wellness has been at the forefront of combatting the gun violence epidemic in California, investing in research and education to understand the problem and find solutions that work. We know that ensuring the health and safety of all Californians requires a multilateral approach; researchers, health care providers, community leaders, youth programs, policymakers and law enforcement must all be part of the solution.

We are grateful that many of these stakeholders joined us in the conversation this week, and we look forward to charting a new course together to stem the gun violence epidemic once and for all. View and continue the conversation online by following #Enough, and please contact us at [email protected] and (818) 702-1992 with your ideas and questions.

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